Friday, August 3, 2007

Calling out to fellow advertising newbies

Hello everyone!
The whole purpose of this blog is to share my experiences and to connect with advertising students or people who decided to make a career in advertising. Please feel free to drop me a line anytime.
I live in Vancouver, I just recently moved here and I love it. The city hosts a fireworks competition that is known as "the largest fireworks competition in the world" It is pretty amazing. It was while attending one of competitions that me and a group of friends were discussing career paths. I expressed my concerns regarding my future professional life, to which someone responded: "You have to find something that ticks!" "That Ticks?" "Yeah, you have to find something that you are excited about, that makes you happy"
See, this is the issue at hand. I like lemons. I like ads that are smart or that are original. I love going into stores and looking at the new products on the shelves. I observe them and then select a few of them. Take them home and try them. I judge them. Then I tell my friends. So soon, you will experience some of these rants about products too. Feel free to comment on them and criticize!

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